| Custom ButtonsIt is possible to add your own functionality to the HTML Rich Text Area. Three custom buttons have been provided but more can be readily added. In the /inc/HTMLRichTextAreaFactorySettings.js file refer to the last few lines. By setting SHOWCUSTOMBUTTON1, SHOWCUSTOMBUTTON2 or SHOWCUSTOMBUTTON3 to true the custom buttons will appear. The tooltip, image and javascription functions can be changed by editing the CUSTOMBUTTONxCALLBACKTOOLTIP, CUSTOMBUTTONxIMAGE, CUSTOMBUTTONxCALLBACK variables respectively. If you create a new image place it in the /inc/HTMLRTAImages/ directory. The image should be in GIF format that is 23 pixels wide and 22 pixels high. Custom handlers have already been written to demonstrate how to interface with the HTML. The event handlers need to accept one string variable that identifies the HTML Rich Text Area. Within the event handler call var objEditor = GetEditorRef(iframeId);. This will return the document object of the HTML being edited. objEditor.body.innerHTML will therefore access the raw HTML of the Rich Text Area. To edit the HTML programmatically, call PutHTML(iframeId, [HTML]); |